Ensure the safety of your hotel guests
There have been quite a few reports of hotel fires in the news recently, with old buildings in particular being especially susceptible to catching alight. Therefore, if you are a hotel owner or administrator of the premises it is necessary to consider arranging a fire safety risk assessment on the premises.
As you are primarily responsible for the people staying in your hotel you need to make sure that you have installed all the required fire fighting and safety equipment required by law. In addition to this you need to employ staff who are trained in fire safety and the set procedures to follow in the event of a fire.
Fire safety in places like hotels, guest houses or bed and breakfast establishments is unique to most other businesses in that the majority of the people on the premises are guests, not employees. Therefore, these people will not be aware of your fire safety policy and the procedures set in place.
A fire safety course for people working within the hospitality industry has been designed to train your staff as fire wardens, while particular emphasis will be given to important tasks such as checking that all guests have been accounted for, all rooms have been cleared and ensuring that everybody on the premises remains as safe as possible should an event like a fire occur.
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