The importance of fire safety procedures in hotels
As we have reported on a number of occasions in the past, hotels are particularly susceptible to fires and due to the ever changing volume of people coming and going to and from the premises it can be a difficult task accounting for everyone at the time of an unforeseen incident like a fire.
This is why a ‘Fire Safety in Hotels’ has proved to be a popular training course for those in the hospitality industry as many fires can be avoided and this can save the business thousands of pounds in damages sustained by the building in the case of a fire.
Fire poses a unique challenge to hotel owners and the fact that many of the people present on the premises are not employees it is necessary to ensure that everybody staying at the hotel is made fully aware of the fire safety procedures you have put in place.
The course will train your staff as fire wardens and help them to understand the risks associated with working in a hotel. Through this training, you can rest assured that they will be able to carry out your instructions regarding fire safety and employ the appropriate procedures. So, if there was a fire, all guests can be accounted for, rooms can be checked as a matter of course and the evacuation can be carried out in a safe manner.
Carrying out a fire risk assessment at your workplace
Did you know that you are now required by law to complete a fire risk assessment on your work premises? If you were unaware of this until now, you really need to ensure your business conforms to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order of 2005.
The guidelines state that you “must make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed”. Therefore, the completion of a fire risk assessment is a necessity for your company as it forms as the first point in fire safety on your premises.
The procedure also needs to be conducted by someone who is deemed competent and trained in performing risk assessments, which will determine your needs for fire training and firefighting equipment to be installed as well as other issues relating to fire safety.
A fire risk assessment will help you to address these concerns as the procedure will highlight what actions need to be undertaken. If you are wondering where you would be able to get the right persons who are able to carry out a fire risk assessment in your workplace, you should speak to the fire training experts.
By doing this you will benefit from a comprehensive assessment of your work premises by a team of qualified and experienced fire risk assessors. Upon completion you will be given a report containing all the risks found as well as ways to ensure these risks are minimised.
Managers who need fire safety training
If you are a manager then you will be responsible for your staff as well as the work you undertake on a day-to-day basis. Should a fire break out on your business premises this would lead to a very chaotic situation where your management, organisational and communication skills would be tested to the limits.
How you control such a situation is therefore very important and so a ‘Fire Safety Training for Managers’ course would be ideal in helping you to reduce the fire risk and bring some order to a very stressful type of eventuality.
These UK-based fire safety training courses will give you all the knowledge required to handle the situation competently. You will be trained in how to protect your business and employees from the dangers of fire.
The ‘Fire Safety Training for Managers’ course would be perfect for someone who is responsible for ensuring fire safety in their workplace. As well as becoming aware of all the legal requirements surrounding fire safety, you will also be trained in responding to a fire incident at work.
And you can also decide to send your staff on a suitable fire safety training course too, spreading the workload and making people aware of the risks posed by fire.
New life saving fire technology in development
It has been revealed that scientists in Scotland have been working on fire technology that is designed to reduce the number of fire-related deaths by predicting the manner in which a blaze will spread through a building.
The technique utilises sensors which are placed in buildings on fire and data is fed into computer models set up to assist fire crews in working out how the fire is likely to progress.
This development could help by saving the critical time taken by firefighters in determining how the fire will act, with this warning serving invaluable in containing its impact and minimising the effects of the blaze.
Fire safety equipment should be an essential component within the security procedures of every business in order to ensure the welfare of employees and serve as a warning should a fire break out on the premises. As well as fire alarms to alert staff of the impending danger, there also needs to be the required fire-fighting equipment in place too, to comply with all current regulations.
Fire training courses are now available so you can make sure that your staff is trained in fire awareness, with selected competent individuals being put forward as fire wardens for the company.
1 in 10 online electrical purchases could result in fire
The Electrical Safety Council is advising people to be very careful when purchasing electrical goods over the internet, especially in the run up to Christmas.
Goods bought from outside the European Union are often not designed to be used in Europe and this can be dangerous. Buying from overseas can also mean that you can not guarantee the safety standards of the products. An industry safety body has said that as many as one in ten items bought on line can result in a fire.
Products tested included a sandwich toaster that was marked as a well known brand and even had the CE safety mark but did not actually have a fuse. In lab tests, the product was left on and because there was no fuse – it got hotter and hotter and eventually burst into flames.
Shoppers are urged to buy goods from trusted sources to avoid any accidents.