Fire breaks out at Harrow pizza factory
Staff had to be evacuated from a pizza factory in Harrow at around 6.30am on 19th April after a fire broke out.
Firefighters spent over an hour tackling the blaze at the Bakkavor Pizza factory in Kenton. It is thought that the fire started when a pizza got stuck on a conveyor belt. Around 420 people were evacuated from the building.
A spokesperson for the Bakkavor Group told said: “Staff were evacuated safely and successfully, in line with procedure, and the fire brigade were called as a precautionary measure. The factory was back to full operation within a couple of hours and the fire caused no substantial damage.”
An investigation onto the cause of the fire will be carried out.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that you:
‘must make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed’
This means that all companies as a first point in their Fire Safety must complete a Fire Risk Assessment. This must be carried out by a competent person, who is trained to perform risk assessments. Your Fire Training needs, your fire extinguisher needs and any other fire safety related issues you will need to address will be highlighted from the Fire Risk Assessment.
Our team of experienced and qualified Fire Risk Assessors will perform a full Fire Risk Assessment of your premises, and provide you with a comprehensive document detailing the risks found and recommendations to minimise the risks.
Our Fire Risk Assessment is divided into nine separate areas:
- Fire safety administration
- Fire fighting facilities
- Identifying fire hazards
- Fire routine and test procedure
- Means of escape
- Review procedures
- Staff/people at risk
- Arson prevention check list
- Fire warning facilities
When you have a Fire Risk Assessment, you must review this to ensure that everything is still in order. For example, you have a reshuffle of departments and your trained Fire Wardens are all moved onto the same floor of the building so more are required to cover the other floors, or you may have an extension built on your building. You may not even have had any changes in personnel or building, but it is essential that you review the Fire Risk Assessment anyway! We provide a service to review your Fire Risk Assessments for you, whether completed by ourselves or not.
If you require a quotation for your business, please complete our Online Quotation below or call us now on 0845 0553 999 to discuss your requirements further.
On-Site Fire Warden Training
Clearly presented with detailed examples. Made me more aware of the different extinguishers – T. Lemen
Very clear, effective and memorable delivery. Very helpful and confidence building – A. Leach
Informative and Concise with a very entertaining trainer called Gerry – C. Roche
Very good – L. Chinsman
Clearly presented and very informative on possible day to day situations – R. Pritchet
Made me think about safety at home as well as work – M. George
Very well presented. Informative and relevant – N. Enright
On-Site Fire Warden Training
Thank you for making the course relevant to the area and industry – C. Hudson
The training was an insight to how a fire can be prevented. I found the training to be very useful and has given me ideas for the home as well as in the work place – J. Greenham
On-Site Fire Warden Training
Very thorough. Enjoyed new video footage – J. Palmer
Gerry has a great sense of humour! The course was really interesting. Good use of fire extinguishers – D. Moseley
Well presented with the training drawing on personal experience – N. Sullivan
Very good – very specific about fire and the roles of the fire marshal. Gerry is a really good trainer. Good facts about fires in the home and the workplace. I will be getting two alarms when I get home from my holiday! C. Haines
This was my second course with Gerry and I found it very interesting – M. Hipkin
Reiterated the huge importance of fire safety. Excellent training – E. Hartland
Fire Warden Training – Rotherham
Very good course which kept me interested – H. Gallacher
Content of the course was good with plenty of examples given – A. Chapman
Good training from knowledgeable tutor – S. Wade