Fire Warden Training Glasgow Venue
Was good as the presenter used real life stories to explain things better – SM (more…)
On site Fire Warden training – Aberdeen
“Food for thought” – Our landlord is responsible for our building but this has made me realise our company policies are severley lacking – FW (more…)
Crews Tackle Tumble Dryer Blaze
Fire crews from Nottingham Fire and Rescue Service were called to tackle a blaze at a house in Nottingham, at 22.30 on the 5 May which began in a tumble dryer. (more…)
Firm pays out after breaches of The Fire Safety Order
A hairdressers in East London was fined £4000 for several breaches of Regulatory (Fire Safety) Order 2005. (more…)
Fire Warden Training Kennedy Scott
Sound knowledge given by someone who has been in the industry for 30 years. Will implement procedures at my premises that were not done before, 4 businesses in building – No evacuation drill for 18 months, no alarm tests, nothing – But there will be now!! – Peter Humber (more…)