Fire Warden Training – Salford
Informative and interesting – Marie Brennan
A very interesting presentation, clear and very informative, this training has given me a clearer understanding of fire and its effect, it will help me considerably – Karen Trotter
I was unclear about how to use a fire extinguisher and now I know how to – Jan Hardisty
Very informative session which has given me a better understanding of my responsibilities in the event of a fire, the training is relevant to my role as there is always a risk of fire whether at home or work, useful to learn which fire extinguisher is for what type of fire – Michaela Conway
I found training very informative, I feel happier in using fire extinguishers – Teresa Healy
Fire Warden Training – Bracknell
Good to refresh knowledge, trainer had good knowledge of subject & kept it interesting – Sandra Bacon
Lively & interesting, informative and useful for regular refresher course – Lorraine Stubbenhagen
Very helpful fell confident in case of a fire – Melanie Towndrow
Very informative and relevant to my type of work – Beverley Dawkins
Nice & refreshing good reminder – Amy Martin
Fire alarm temporarily halts wedding service
A fire alarm was set off due to a steaming kettle at a church wedding service in Westhoughton over the weekend.
Nicola Towers and Mark Fishwick, the couple getting married, had to wait as the fire crew checked that there was no fire and the wedding vows could be exchanged at the service in St Bartholomew’s Church.
The wedding ceremony was only put on hold for a few minutes as the fire alarm rang out and the fire service attended to the call out, with guests moving to the vestry but once it was all over the four firefighters from Hindley formed a guard of honour for the couple by raising their fire axes.
Hindley fire station crew manager Mike O’Neill said:
“Apparently, a steaming kettle in the bell tower caused the fire alarm to go off. There were a number of people up there waiting to ring the bells.
“Myself and colleagues Chris Marshall, Steve Francis and Mike Egan, provided the guard of honour and we were delighted to do so.”
This incident just goes to show that although it was a false alarm, it is always necessary to have a fully working fire alarm installed in any premises like a church that deals with the public.
Fire Warden Training – Exeter
Good video & example, very useful – Paul Joy
Very good presentation, fire warden training useful for home – Michael Treble
Good informative course, will definatley be of use for my day to day routine – Andrew Hobbs
Excellent training – Trevor Woodier
Content of course very well presented and easy to understand – Neil Shelvey
Excellent presentation on a very serious subject – Peter Clayton-White
Just the right amount of practical videos & text – Peter Johnson
Very useful training, will be useful, good to attend this type of training – Mike Farrant
Fire Awareness Training – Leeds
Good and engaging presenter, nice chap – Gavin Logan
Reminder on fire safety very useful – Paul Blundred
It made me very aware of the dangers of fire, I will now take this info into my home – Carol Newbold