Fire Warden Training – Cardiff
Great level of seriousness & light heartedness on a very serious subject – JI
Very informative, very well delivered – LT
Fire Warden Training – London
Really good, it hammered home the importance of fire safety, the videos were very shocking but that made us more aware of the importance – PH
The presenter gave great up to date information and duties to support the DVD and it was interesting to hear about all the modern dangers/things to be aware of – RB
Very informal & easily understandable, great having the chance to actually use the extinguisher was excellent – EK
Extremley useful for home & office – ES
Found it very interesting & helpful – TB
I have a better understanding of what should be done in the event of a fire and the precautions to be taken – SM
Very useful & simple to understand, the training will definatley help me at work as a fire warden I can now implement fire safety at work – CF
Very clear & informative – CB
Well managed, trainer was experienced – VO
Fire Warden Training – Leicester
No chance of dropping off – it was rivetting! Training is excellent and is easily related to our situation. Dave answered all questions in a way that was easily understood by all – KS
Very interesting both for professional and personal reasons it was good to practice putting out a fire in a controlled way, thank you lots of food for thought – FN
With working in office very appropiate – AT
Found course really interesting – LL
Made aware of importance of knowing nearest Exits/Alarms and making others aware – LG
It was useful to see how quickly a fire can take control – CR
Easy to understand – LB
Easy to follow and “realxed” atmosphere – EB
Very well presented and informative – DAM
Fire Warden Training – Liverpool Venue
The two “shock” videos were very relevant because it gave me the incentive to go away and take fire safety alot more seriously, I now have a good understanding of the different fire extinguishers which I did not have before – ML (more…)
Fire Warden Training – Newcastle venue
Brought up many concerns which need to be addressed immediatley, fire extinguisher training excellent I am now more confident should I need to use one also fire blankets are a must – AS (more…)