Half of UK fire deaths happened in buildings fitted with fire alarms
A recent report has shown that around 80% of buildings in the UK are fitted with smoke alarms.
Despite this fact, almost half of fire deaths in buildings last year happened in a building that had working smoke alarms. It is a known fact that many people disable their alarms if they go off frequently and then forget to replace the batteries.
Most fires in the home start in the kitchen and many have some involvement with alcohol. Rob Davies, from West Midlands fire and rescue service, said: “About 60% of house fires are caused by fires in the kitchen. But when you come onto fatalities and fire deaths, it’s slightly different. In fact, with 40% of fire fatalities there has been some involvement with alcohol.”
Sheila Merrill from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said that often, people who lost their lives in a fire in their home had not heard the fire alarms due to being in a deep sleep because of alcohol or medication. |Another contributing factor to these deaths is that although fire alarms are fitted, escape exits have not been planned. Ms Merrill said: “In some instances, they could have heard the alarm but their exit out of the house is actually blocked by the fire, so they’re still unable to get out. And what we have to remember is that nine times out of 10, it’s not the fire that kills you, it’s the smoke.”
The Governments chief fire and rescue adviser said: “Simple checks such as closing doors every night and avoiding overloaded plugs will help reduce the risk in the home. If the worst should happen, everyone should make sure they are prepared and have an established and practiced escape route in place,” he said.
It is important to ensure that your smoke alarms are working and The Fire Training Academy encourage you to get into the habit of testing your alarms every Tuesday. Join us on Facebook and Twitter to get your weekly ‘Test it Tuesday’ reminders.