Councillor appeals for sprinklers in all new homes after Derby fire deaths
Martyn Ford from Derbyshire County Council has called for sprinklers to be installed in all new homes after 6 children died in a house fire in Derby last week.
Mr Ford said: “Sadly it has taken another devastating house fire, claiming six young lives, to yet again highlight the urgent need for domestic sprinklers to be installed in all new-build properties. I realise that we are too late in this instance, lives have been lost and others changed for ever, but it needn’t be like this. As a former member of Derbyshire Fire Authority, I urge all readers to view the Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service website, follow the links to domestic sprinklers and view the incredibly impressive video on just how quickly and effectively a fire in a home is extinguished.
“There is also a link to an e-petition that needs just 100,000 signatures to trigger a debate in Parliament. The Welsh Assembly has already passed legislation requiring sprinklers to be installed — the rest of the politicians in the UK need to start to act very quickly now to catch up and get effective legislation on the statute that empowers local planning authorities to condition sprinklers on every domestic property application. It costs a small amount of money to have a firefighter in every room. We must take action now.”
If you would like to sign the petition to get this issue discussed in parliament all you need to do is click here.