The Train the Trainer course does exactly what it says
It is a legal requirement that a number of people within an organisation take responsibility for the fire safety of a site. However, it is also necessary to educate staff about the hazards associated with fire. With this course you can do both as you will be trained as a fire warden and also develop the person’s skills in delivering presentations on the subject.
By taking advantage of this intense but ultimately rewarding three day course, you will be presented with both ‘Train the Trainer’ and ‘Fire Warden Training’ certification upon completion.
By the end of the course you should be ready to put your knowledge and skills to good use by being able to comfortably train other personnel within your organisation.
You will be taught on the course by instructors with more than 15 years of experience in the fire service and the training includes all the necessary fire training components.
The course includes all aspects of fire awareness and you will also benefit from the live fire training experience.
This course differs from others in that you will also be able to instruct other people and be able to deliver confident and powerful presentations, through individual coaching and constructive feedback.
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